Chevon C. Holmes earns National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award

Congratulations to Chevon C. Holmes for winning a 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award.

The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support and annual stipend of $37,000. The NSF GRFP is prestigious, highly competitive, and a significant national accomplishment. Chevon is a Ph.D. student in the Geography Graduate Group who studies social ecological systems (SES) with Dr. Rebecca R. Hernandez, Associate Professor of Ecology and Earth System Science. Chevon joined the Global Ecology and Sustainability Lab (GESL) as recipient of the 2021 John F. Steindler Fellowship from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Chevon, a classically French trained chef, received her Artium Baccalaureus magna cum laude in geography with honors in history as a Frances Perkins from Mount Holyoke College. Her dissertation uses a multi-evidence approach to explore the geography of cannabis production and assess how regulatory regimes impact SES in the remote rural context.


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